Radical Christianity for a Radical World

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     The River of LOVE

God asked me one day to jump into the river of life, to allow His love to steer me through this course day and night.  I saw many pieces of driftwood floating aimlessly down the river of life, some caught upon rocks and some circling caught in the current of this earth’s pressures.  God asked me, “Would you be my tugboat of love?”  What do you mean Lord?  Will you allow my love to guide you among the driftwood of people; dead from this world . . . have they become.  I saw myself, guided by God’s love to the driftwood of people and I knew I had to choose whether or not I would lay down my rights to my self serving life.  Would I allow the love of God to flow through me to touch these people or would I become an offense and become driftwood myself.  Remembering that I myself recently was a swirling piece of driftwood, as I had taken on offense myself, but God’s grace was with me to teach me and he was able to bring me through.  Now it was my turn and He was asking, “Would you be my tugboat of love?”  As I watched the tugboat touch the driftwood they began to change into live branches and some even began to grow roots along the river of life to become anchors in this journey called life.  Still some wanted to give all they had and become one of the Lord’s Tugboats of love in this river of life.  Lord I said, “I want to be your Tugboat of Love and yes I am willing to lay down my life only help me with your unfailing grace that I can be your pure vessel of Love”

       Miguel Angel Nieves...

...gifted artist, writer, muscian and a leader in God's One Love revolution.  His life reminded me of John the baptist not fitting in the normal mold everone tries to place us in.  Blazing a trail of profound love drawing upon Christ love from above. His life scripture Mark 8:36 paraphrased, what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his  soul? 

He also talked about the revolution of one love through his main man and Saviour Jesus The Christ.  At an early age Mikey grasped the message The River of LOVE  and chose to be one of God's Tug boat's of love.  He had many plans and dreams to fulfill for God, but was taken from us during a battle on the front lines for God.  He made a special trip to lead three of his cousins to the Lord and on his return he ended up in his eternal home.

This site is to honor Christ and remember a fallen warrior, a friend and my son whom I will see again one day in heaven. 

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